Latest News

Two years and going strong
BCA ONTRACK is now into its second year, so we asked Coordinator Tim Stevens about how the program is going…
26 Jul 2024
Farewell from the Top End Watsons
After twenty years serving with BCA in Kununurra and Darwin, we said farewell to the Watson family in March. Jim & Nat share memories of their time with BCA...
19 Jul 2024
BCA 4 Kids: Going to church on holidays
Have you ever gone to church when you are on holidays? It is a great thing to do, and with many of our Field Staff Locations across Australia in holiday zones, it’s a great chance to encourage them when you are touring the country.
12 Jul 2024
Announcement: Boardmans on the move
After serving in a ministry training position in the Bathurst Cathedral for the past two years, James Boardman has accepted a position as the Priest-in-Charge of the parish of Kelso, from January 2025.
7 Jul 2024
Moore College Students head to Kununurra
As part of their Meet Jesus Mission across the country, a team from Moore College travelled to Kununurra in early April supported by BCA.
5 Jul 2024
Announcement: Sad Farewells
It is with sadness I must announce today, that due to family and health concerns, Kylie & Matt Garrett (SU Australia, NT), along with Steven & Caitlin Klouth (West Wyalong), are set to leave the BCA family this year.
17 Jun 2024
The Real Australian Winter 2024 Editorial
At the commissioning of Dave & Margie Wood in Coober Pedy at the beginning of March, I encouraged our newest BCA Field Staff with the words: “If I were you…I’d pray!”
1 Jun 2024
Going underground for Jesus
Coober Pedy is a place that is dear to the hearts of many of you, and we want to thank you for praying over the last six years for God to provide Field Staff for this mining town.
1 Jun 2024
Reaching out to PALM workers
For many years now, The Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme has allowed businesses in the agriculture and food manufacturing sectors to hire workers from nine Pacific islands and Timor-Leste, when not enough local workers are available.
1 Jun 2024
Territory Adventures!
Adventure arrives in different ways. Sometimes it slips in smoothly, seamlessly cruising into the journey. Other times it arrives screaming ‘SURPRISE!’ and flips your world upside down!
1 Jun 2024
A new way of offering ministry in Strathfieldsaye
In 2023, Strathfieldsaye Community Church commenced a new Sunday afternoon ministry as there was a real need for a ‘child friendly’ service. Prior to this, a number of families with younger children been attending our 9.30 am traditional service.
1 Jun 2024
Post & Rails Winter 2024
Messages of congratulations, welcomes and farewells from across the BCA family...
1 Jun 2024

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