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Post & Rails Winter 2024
Messages of congratulations, welcomes and farewells from across the BCA family...
1 Jun 2024
The Real Australian Winter 2024 Editorial
At the commissioning of Dave & Margie Wood in Coober Pedy at the beginning of March, I encouraged our newest BCA Field Staff with the words: “If I were you…I’d pray!”
1 Jun 2024
Going underground for Jesus
Coober Pedy is a place that is dear to the hearts of many of you, and we want to thank you for praying over the last six years for God to provide Field Staff for this mining town.
1 Jun 2024
Vale Tom Morgan
As the BCA National Council met this week, they remembered  Life Member and Vice President Emeritus Tom Morgan, who passed away in March.
17 May 2024
The Mallacoota experience
In late November 2023, 58 BCA Nomads gathered in Mallacoota to share their experiences of visiting Field Staff around the country.
18 Apr 2024
Post & Rails Autumn 2024
Messages of congratulations, welcomes and farewells from across the BCA family...
29 Feb 2024
The Real Australian Summer 2023 editorial
The other day I was reading an old RA magazine from 1983 which I found in the online archive on our website. (Did you know that all of the RA’s from the last 100+ years are there?)
1 Dec 2023
Post & Rails Winter 2023
Messages of congratulations, welcomes and farewells from across the BCA family...
1 Jun 2023
The Real Australian Winter 2023 Editorial
You may have heard a lot about Artificial Intelligence (AI) of late. It’s the shiny new toy that many are playing with. From chatbots to maybe one day self-driving cars, AI is already impacting our lives in countless ways...
1 Jun 2023
The Real Australian Autumn 2023 Editorial
More than likely when you read this article, we will be fast approaching Easter once again. A time of great celebration and yet a time I often find myself saying “I have no words!” (You probably never thought you would hear a preacher say that!)
1 Mar 2023
Post & Rails Autumn 2023
Messages of congratulations, welcomes and farewells from across the BCA family...
1 Mar 2023
Post & Rails Summer 2022
Messages of congratulations, welcomes and farewells from across the BCA family...
1 Dec 2022

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