Mission Profile

Adrian Lane

Matt Smith

Adrian Lane has served as BCA’s Victorian Regional Officer since early 2013. He has heart for regional Victoria and each year produces a comprehensive prayer booklet: Faith Hope and Love: Pray for Regional Victoria. He is supported in the office by Matt Smith.

The Victorian Regional Office Team
Adrian Lane – Regional Officer
Matt Smith – Office Manager

The Victorian Regional Office is located in Heidelberg, a suburb of Melbourne. Victoria has a large and growing population with 1.58 million in regional Victoria, from a wide range of cultural backgrounds. There are many opportunities for the expansion of BCA’s ministry, especially in new housing areas, with youth and young adults, and migrant communities.

Pray through the Victorian Regional Prayer Notes

Watch: Dave Horne speaking at the 2024 Spring Gatherings

The Victorian team's Prayer Points for January 2025

  • Please pray for our former Office Administrator, Bob Barclay, as he begins retirement. Pray for an easy transition to a new person, and pray for Adrian to manage on his own in the meantime!
  • Pray for Adrian as he preaches at City on a Hill, Ballarat (19/1) and as he prepares for the year and edits the Victorian Regional Prayer Notes.
  • Pray for country students moving out of home to study, may they join Christian communities and grow in their faith.

    The Victorian team's Prayer Points for February 2025
  • Pray for Adrian as he preaches at Dingley (16/2), St Arnaud and Bealiba (23/2) and Bass Coast (2/3).
  • Pray too that God will raise up ministers for the bush and equip and encourage those in theological training.