Mission Profile

David Mitchell

David is a deputationist with BCA in Perth and former Field Staff. He is married to Traci and they have three kids in primary school. David’s main work is with the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students at Curtin University where he’s been serving since 2019.

The Western Australian Regional Office is located in Perth. It covers the three Diocese of the Province of WA – Perth, North West Australia, and Bunbury. Bush Church Aid has worked historically in all three Dioceses and at present, our focus is upon supporting ministry in the North West. The Regional Officer position is currently vacant.

David's Prayer Points for January 2025

  • Pray that deputations for the year get scheduled with churches around Perth. Ask that these serve to encourage both partners in churches and Field Staff on the ground.

    David's Prayer Points for February 2025
  • Give thanks for the many people who partner with the work of BCA. Pray that we can keep them informed and encouraged because their prayerful and financial support is bearing fruit in the ministry of BCA across the country.