Mission Profile

Tim Stevens

Tim Stevens has been the coordinator of BCA ONTRACK since mid-2022. He serves alongside his wife Kirsty, and is also the part-time Vicar of Guyra Anglican Church in the Diocese of Armidale. Tim recently had a diocesan role equipping young lay people for ministry.

BCA ONTRACK is a free two-year program to help Christian workers negotiate bumps in the road and thrive as they serve Jesus in the bush. It provides training, mentoring and an online cohort of like-minded peers, to develop their professional, personal and spiritual lives.

Tim's Prayer Points for January 2025

  • Pray for a refreshing break for our family. Pray also for recent university grads as they move and establish their lives in country churches and towns. Pray that God will sustain them and keep their eyes on Jesus, as they enter this stage of life.

    Tim's Prayer Points for February 2025
  • Pray for BCA ONTRACK as we start another year and help young Christian workers transition well to living, working, and serving Jesus in the bush.