Mission Profile

Emily Quinn

Serving with BCA since January 2023

Emily is the Coordinator of the Foundation Studies Department at Nungalinya, a combined churches training college for Indigenous adults. She oversees the delivery of three ‘foundation’ courses: a pre-Certificate I, a Certificate I and a Certificate II course in English as an Additional Language or Dialect. Each course is delivered over a three-year period, in four-week intensives, with a focus on literacy, numeracy and the Scriptures.

Nungalinya College is a combined churches training college for Indigenous Australians. The College trains men and women for leadership roles in churches and communities by exploring the Bible and Christian faith contextually. Students are trained to understand and participate healthily in community life while strengthening and celebrating Indigenous identity. Approximately 95 per cent of the student intake is from remote communities across the NT, WA, Qld, and down into SA.

Emily's Points for July 2024
July is dry season! Many people will be on holidays now. Pray for safety in travel, both within the Territory and further afield, and for soul-restoring times of recreation and rest.

Emily's Points for August 2024
Classes are back in full swing, from our entry-level literacy, numeracy and Bible study courses, to ongoing training for established church leaders. Thank God for the great encouragement it is as students from all over Australia fellowship together.